Registered No: 148/2053/1/14 ( Mahottari)
Social Welfare Council : 4083/2053/2/2

Message from Executive Director

Kishor Kumar Chaudhary The year 2079 remained significant for SDC Mahottari it has diversified its thematic areas and expanded its operation. SDC Mahottari has continued its mission of creating good opportunities for children over the pat few years. Local educational access is highly important to the development of children, particularly from marginalized communities. Achieving child-friendly local governance has become pivotal public education due to new structures being created under federalism.

Looking towards the future, it is vital that SDC Mahottari looks at the successes of the past few years, as well as challenges and lessons learned. By doing this, we can identify good practices and lessons learnt and sue them as guidelines for effective implementation of projects and activities in the future. This annual report of 2079/080 gives clear picture of SDC Mahottari towards its effort to raise the living standard of marginalized community and the basis of this activity is our strategic plan which is periodically reviewed and the last revision of next Seven years was made in 2021. It is significant to mention here that our strategic plan and guiding principles are rightly aligned with national priorities and needs of the community.

Through SDC Mahottari Continued to contribute its effort towards marginalized community in 20280/081 too, it does not rest here and will be continuing to work with women, youth and children from marginalized communities especially from Dalit, Janajaati, Muslim, particularly out-of-school children and people with disability, for the next several years and to scale up the work done at the local level. As always, our work would not be possible without out highly dedicated staff and team members. I think them for their diligence and commitment to our mission. SDC Mahottari also could not thrive without the guidance and support of our partners and stakeholders. I would like to thank them as well.

Thank you!
Kishor Kumar Chaudhary
Executive Director